Payment Policy

At Upward Wealth, Inc. dba BrightUp, we're committed to everyone in our ecosystem feeling supported and valued throughout their journey with us. We understand circumstances change, and flexibility is key to accommodating those changes. The policy below reflects our understanding of your needs while maintaining a fair practice for all parties involved.

Payment Terms. If you purchase a Service, then these payment terms apply to your purchase and you agree to them.

  1. Charges. If there is a charge associated with a portion of the Services, you agree to pay that charge. The price stated for the Services excludes all applicable taxes, unless stated otherwise. You are solely responsible for paying such taxes or other charges. Taxes are calculated based on your location at the time your BightUp account was registered. We may suspend or cancel the Services if we do not receive an on time, full payment from you. Suspension or cancellation of the Services for non-payment could result in a loss of access to and use of your account and its content. Connecting to the Internet via a corporate or other private network that masks your location may cause charges to be different from those displayed for your actual location.
  2. Your Billing Account. To pay the charges for a Service, you will be asked to provide a payment method at the time you sign up for that Service. Additionally, you agree to permit BrightUp to use any updated account information regarding your selected payment method provided by your issuing bank or the applicable payment network. You agree to promptly update your account and other information, including your email address and payment method details, so we can complete your transactions and contact you as needed in connection with your transactions. Changes made to your billing account will not affect charges we submit to your billing account before we could reasonably act on your changes to your billing account.
  3. Billing. By providing BrightUp with a payment method, you (i) represent that you are authorized to use the payment method you provided and that any payment information you provide is true and accurate; (ii) authorize BrightUp to charge you for the Services or available content using your payment method; and (iii) authorize BrightUp to charge you for any paid feature of the Services you choose to sign up for or use while these Terms are in force. We may bill you (a) in advance; (b) at the time of purchase; (c) shortly after purchase; or (d) on a recurring basis for subscription Services. Also, we may charge you up to the amount you have approved, and we will notify you in advance of any change in the amount to be charged for recurring subscription Services. We may bill you at the same time for more than one of your prior billing periods for amounts that haven't previously been processed.
  4. Recurring Payments. When you purchase the Services on a subscription basis (e.g., monthly, every 3 months or annually), you agree that you are authorizing recurring payments, and payments will be made to BrightUp by the method and at the recurring intervals you have agreed to, until the subscription for that Service is terminated by you or by BrightUp. You must cancel your Services before the next billing date to stop being charged to continue your Services. We will provide you with instructions on how you may cancel the Services. By authorizing recurring payments, you are authorizing BrightUp to store your payment instrument and process such payments as either electronic debits or fund transfers, or as electronic drafts from your designated account (for Automated Clearing House or similar payments), or as charges to your designated account (for credit card or similar payments) (collectively, "Electronic Payments"). Subscription fees are generally charged in advance of the applicable subscription period. If any payment is returned unpaid or if any credit card or similar transaction is rejected or denied, BrightUp or its service providers reserve the right to collect any applicable return item, rejection or insufficient funds fee and process any such payment as an Electronic Payment.
  5. Online Statement and Errors.  If we make an error on your bill, you must tell us within 90 days after the error first appears on your bill. We will then promptly investigate the charge. If you do not tell us within that time, you release us from all liability and claims of loss resulting from the error and we won't be required to correct the error or provide a refund. If BrightUp has identified a billing error, we will correct that error within 90 days.
  6. Refund Policy. Unless otherwise provided by law or by a particular Service offer, all purchases are final and non-refundable. If you believe that BrightUp has charged you in error, you must contact us within 90 days of such charge. No refunds will be given for any charges more than 90 days old. We reserve the right to issue refunds or credits at our sole discretion. If we issue a refund or credit, we are under no obligation to issue the same or similar refund in the future. This refund policy does not affect any statutory rights that may apply. 
  7. Canceling the Services. You may cancel a Service at any time, with or without cause. Cancelling paid Services stops future charges to continue the Service. To cancel a Service and request a refund, if you are entitled to one, visit the BrightUp account management website. You should refer back to the offer describing the Services as (i) you may not receive a refund at the time of cancellation; (ii) you may be obligated to pay cancellation charges; (iii) you may be obligated to pay all charges made to your billing account for the Services before the date of cancellation; and (iv) you may lose access to and use of your account when you cancel the Services. If you cancel, your access to the Services ends at the end of your current Service period or, if we bill your account on a periodic basis, at the end of the period in which you canceled. If you initiate a chargeback or reversal with your bank for your payment of Services, we will deem you to have canceled as of the date that the original payment was made, and you authorize us to immediately cancel your service and/or revoke any content that was provided to you in exchange for such payment.
  8. Trial-Period Offers. If you are taking part in any trial-period offer, you may be required to cancel the trial Service(s) within the timeframe communicated to you when you accepted the offer in order to avoid being charged to continue the Service(s) at the end of the trial period.
  9. Promotional Offers. From time to time, BrightUp may offer Services for a trial period during which BrightUp will not charge you for the Services. BrightUp reserves the right to charge you for such Services (at the normal rate) if BrightUp determines (in its reasonable discretion) that you are breaching the terms and conditions of the offer.
  10. Price Changes. We may change the price of the Services at any time and if you have a recurring purchase, we will notify you by email, or other reasonable manner, at least 15 days before the price change. If you do not agree to the price change, you must cancel and stop using the Services before the price change takes effect. If there is a fixed term and price for your Service offer, that price will remain in force for the fixed term.
  11. Payments to You. If we owe you a payment, then you agree to timely and accurately provide us with any information we need to get that payment to you. You are responsible for any taxes and charges you may incur as a result of this payment to you. You must also comply with any other conditions we place on your right to any payment. If you receive a payment in error, we may reverse or require return of the payment. You agree to cooperate with us in our efforts to do this. We may reduce the payment to you without notice to adjust for any previous overpayment.


We're here to help! If you have any questions about our payment policy or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at